Green Thinkers and Individuals
(Reference articles for Green Path Finder Part 3)
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Green Path Finders - Part 1
- Rajendra Singh - Check dams perform a miracle and Tarun Bharat Sangh
- Vilasrao Salunke - What Rural folk need is motivation and A dream come truth
- Popatrao Pawar - Preserve water - "Hiware Bazar"
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Green Path Finders - Part 2
Lynn White Jr - The historical roots of our ecological crisis
- Chandi Prasad Bhat
- Sundarlal Bahuguna - Chipko Movement
- Thimakka - A mother's love
- Anna Hazare - Message of Ralegaon Siddhi
- Pandurang Hegde - Chipko of the South
- G.Nammalvar - Bringing life back to earth
- Anthonysamy's Wonder garden
- Gomathinayagam - Cattle based integrated farming